Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Anatomy with Jill Cronchey

Note date changes:
7 April is now Anatomy, 21 April Revision
10 + 24 March are also swapped


336 bones (with full tail)

3 types of heads Dolicho, meso + brachy-cephalic
These correspond to the length of muzzle compared to the top of the skull dolichocephalic is a longer muzzle than skull (eg, borzoi), meso~ is approximately equal length(eg Kelpie), and brachy is shorter (eg pug).
Stop almost always between eyes.

42 teeth - 20 top, 22 bottom
Upper jaw, from midline back - 3 incisors, 1 canine, 4 premolars, 2 molars
Lower jaw, from midline back - 3 incisors, 1 canine, 4 premolars, 3 molars

Vertebral column
7 Cervical Vertebrae
13 Thoracic Vertebrae
7 Lumbar Vertebrae
Caudal vertebrae

Scapula -> humerus -> Radius/Ulna--> Metacarpels ->phalanges->digits

13 Pairs of ribs

Pelvis-> Femur -> Tibia/fibula -> metatarsals -> phalanges->digits.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Aspirants program introductory session

THis session was to get the overview for all of the aspirant and training program for 2009.

All lectures at the Bulla Complex

Requirements for Practical Exam.
Must attend all lectures
Participation in lectures must be active.
All homework to be completed as requested

Aspirants Program not available by distance education.
Signed originals of documentation must be Submitted with applications.
Review National Judges code of Conduct.

Aspirant Theory Exam 8 July 09.
Practical exam later in the year