Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Skeletal Anatomy Homework - due 10 March

List all bones with at least two alternative names:

Zygomatic arch - Malar bone, zygoma

Mandible - lower jaw, jawbone, mandibula, inferior maxilla

Maxilla - upper jaw, upper jawbone, cheekbone

Nasal Bones - muzzle, foreface

Skull - head, cranium

Occiput - occiputal bone, rear of skull

Frontal bone - forehead, front of skull

Parietal bone - top of head, middle of skull (between frontal and occipual bones)

Vertebrae - backbone, spine, spinal column
Cervical (7) - Neck
Thoracic ( 13) - Chest, first 5 are the withers, 11th is the anticlinal (where the incline of the spinous processes change from caudal to cranial)
Lumbar (7) - lower back, loin
Sacrum - 3 vertebrae fused together - rump, croup; articulates with lumbar and caudal vertebrae, and also with pelvis
Caudal - 6-23 vertebrae: coccygeal vertebrae, tail bones

Ribs - 13 pairs, last pair floats: ribcage, chest

Sternum - breastbone, keel, central chest bone

Prosternum - manubrium, forward projection of the breastbone

Scapula - shoulder blade, shoulder

Pelvis - hip bone, Aitch bone

Humerus - Upper arm, brachium

Femur - Thigh bone, first thigh

Radius (anterior) & Ulna (posterior) - foreleg, forearm

Tibia (anterior) and Fibula (posterior) - lower leg, second thigh

Hock - hock joint, os calcis

Carpus - wrist, carpal joint

Tarsus - ankle, tarsal joint

Metacarpal - front pastern,

Metatarsal - rear pastern (NOT 'hocks'),

Phalanges - feet, digits, toes

The diagram from the lecture was very helpful, and the following links:
This dog anatomy link
This blog - he's an animator, but needs to know how dogs work!

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